"manage gnome keyring with gkpass script"
gkpass require gnome-keyring and python-keyring to work, if you have ansible you can install pre-requisite in agnostic way with the following commands
ansible -m setup -a "filter=ansible_pkg_mgr" | \
sed "1 s/.*{/{/g" | \
python -c "import json,sys;print json.load(sys.stdin)['ansible_facts']['ansible_pkg_mgr'];" | \
sudo xargs -I {} ansible -m package -a "name=python-keyring use={}"
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/jsecchiero/gkpass.git
echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/gkpass/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
create a new entry
./gkpass --user=foo --server=bar --pass=supersecret
get it
./gkpass --user=foo --server=bar
with gkpass is possible to manage passwords in headless systems. In other words you don’t need X installed or started to use it but you need to unlock the secrets database for use it.
set and get password without x using --
unlock-pass=password or if you want put interactively remove the =
gkpass --user=foo --server=bar --pass=user_pass --unlock-pass=database_pass
gkpass --user=foo --server=bar --pass --unlock-pass